About Me

I will be running the charity relay in the LA Marathon on March 17, 2013. The charity I am running for is the non-profit, volunteer-run animal rescue, Kitten Rescue!!! Please donate today to help save the lives of homeless and abandoned animals!!!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The beginning of much pain, but for a good cause...

After going back and forth in my mind, I have decided I am going to run the Honda L.A. Marathon on March 18, 2012.  What tipped me over?  I found out that the animal rescue I volunteer for, Kitten Rescue, is an official charity next year.  Would I ever run a marathon of my own accord?  Probably not, but for kitties, oh yeah!  (You can guess the hierarchy in my household) Their little faces and fuzzy bodies just melt my heart and I am prone to do stupid things in the name of helping cats...like run a marathon.  So....

Please donate money to Team Kitten Rescue. (Hey!  It's tax-deductible!)  You can make a donation on my fundraising page HERE.
Your donation will ensure that Kitten Rescue will continue doing their best to help animals in need!!! 
(Also, I will run 26.2 miles for you....just for you.)

This will be my first ever marathon.  I have never run long distances in my life.  I wouldn't even classify myself as 'athletic'.  My height comes out to a whopping 5' 2" on a good day so you can imagine how short my legs are and what assets I have to carry me across 26.2 miles come next March.

I just started Week 1 of a 30 week marathon training schedule.  I am following the Novice Supreme schedule (sounds like a burrito?!) outlined by famous marathoner, Hal Higdon.  My goal is to survive the marathon and not be last (i.e. run faster than the walkers.  Harder than it sounds, I think).  To kick everything off, my labmate introduced this video to me and I think it is fitting for the task I am about to undertake:

"I am a cat lover and I love to run"-eHarmony cat lady (Actually...I don't LOVE to run, but I'll do it for your donation and for the kitties)

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